
Channelled Readings

I consider myself truly blessed to have a loving, supportive and clear relationship with powerful angelic and Archangelic energies as well as those of Ascended Masters and our Galactic support team. They have helped me navigate my life and experiences for more than two decades. It brings me great joy to use the intuitive and psychic gifts I have, to communicate with and channel their loving support, guidance and direction for others. I am truly honoured to be able to communicate as I do and I love to share the clarity, wisdom, guidance and direction they can bring, to help others along their life journey and ascension pathway.

These messages aimed at helping you follow your highest path and live your life with joy, love and confidence. They can't take our life lessons away, but can bring a higher, loving perspective that has the potential to turn our challenges into opportunities, fear, doubt and worry into Faith, Trust and Belief and bring us to a unified state of consciousness rather than that awful being alone feeling. True Celestial Alchemy.

Angel Reading - £55

Angel Reading. Guardian Angel, Archangels, Light Beings, Galactic family. Three oracle cards will guide my communication for this reading, which includes past, present and future possibilities around a single subject. Simply ask your question on the contact form, with any context or information you may feel is relevant. All readings bring their own healing too and I may be guided to signpost you to specific tools or techniques to help you.

3 oracle cards will guide communication for this reading, which includes past, present and future possibilities around a single subject. Simply ask your question on the contact form, with any context or information you may feel is relevant. All readings bring their own healing & I may be guided to signpost you to specific tools or techniques to help you. 

Guardian Angel Reading - £55

Guardian Angel Reading. Guardian Angel, Archangels, Light Beings, Galactic family. All humans have a Guardian Angel, whether aware of them or not. Our soul connection with our Guardian begins before our birth and ends after we die. This reading will include information associated with your personal Guardian Angel, to help you develop your connection moving forward.

All humans have a Guardian Angel, aware of them or not. Our soul connection with our Guardian begins before our birth and ends after we die. This reading will include information associated with your personal Guardian Angel, to help you develop your connection moving forward. 

Archangel Reading - £65

Archangel Reading. Guardian Angel, Archangels, Light Beings, Galactic family. This reading brings you guidance and direction, healing, protection, wisdom and love from these most powerful of Angelic Beings. Oracle cards, symbols, colour & the energy and expertise of the Archangel that steps forward to guide you will inform this reading. Or you can also request a reading with a specific Archangel, just let me know which one.

This reading brings you guidance and direction, healing, protection, wisdom and love from these most powerful of Angelic Beings. Oracle cards, symbols, colour Rays & the energy and expertise of the Archangel that steps forward to guide you will inform this reading. Or you can also request a reading with a specific Archangel, just let me know which one.

Career/Life Path - £65

Career/Life Path Reading. Angels, Archangels, Light Beings, Galactic family. In this reading I will connect with your Guardian Angel and the Archangels to explore your inner gifts, potential related to your career, life path or possible directions around being in service with others. inner gifts.

In this reading I will connect with your Guardian Angel and the Archangels to explore your inner gifts and potential related to your career, life path or possible directions around being in service to others. 

Relationship Guidance Reading - £65

Relationship Guidance Reading. Angels, Archangels, Light Beings, Galactic family. In this reading you will receive insights, guidance, healing and direction around the energies in your relationship, friendship or family connection. You may receive advice around specific energy tools, techniques or methods to help you.

In this reading you will receive insights, guidance, healing and direction around the energies in your relationship, friendship or family connection. You may receive advice around specific energy tools, techniques or methods to help you.   

Angelic Crystals Healing & Guidance - £75

Angelic Crystals Reading. Angels, Archangels, Guardian Angel, Light Beings, Galactic family. This in depth reading combines healing Archangelic energies, crystal vibrations and oracle cards for each of your main chakras, to bring insight and healing. I will produce a comprehensive report of the condition of your energy body and any guidance the Archangels wish to bring you.

This in depth reading combines healing Archangelic energies, crystal vibrations and oracle cards for each of your main chakras, to bring insight and healing. I will produce a comprehensive report of the condition of your energy body and any guidance the Archangels wish to bring you.

Request an Angelic Reading

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